• Question: can we clown dogs

    Asked by pestiewestie to Alberto, Chris, Emmanuel on 27 Jun 2013.
    • Photo: Chris Whittle

      Chris Whittle answered on 27 Jun 2013:

      Yes, you can clone any animal, it is even possible with humans but this would not be right to do, as there are laws against cloning humans.

      There already have been dogs cloned, as a few dogs have been cloned that were people’s pets, and they have cloned them to ‘bring them back to life’.

    • Photo: Alberto Lapedriza

      Alberto Lapedriza answered on 27 Jun 2013:

      Yes, we can clone dogs, and many other animals. The main technique used to clone an animal is the nuclear transfer. It consists in taking a cell from the body of the adult animal you want to clone and we extract its nucleus, which carries all the genetic information to create an identical animal. Then from a different animal we take an egg cell, and we remove its nucleus. We introduce the nucleus extracted from the first animal (the one we want to clone) into the nucleus-free egg cell, and we apply a small electric shock to fuse them. An embryo is created, which we implant inside the uterus of a surrogate animal. After the end of the pregnancy, a genetically identical animal to the one from which we extracted the nucleus will be born i.e. it will be its clone.

      However, although we could use this technique with humans, it is not ethically right to clone a human, and therefore it’s only been used with animals.

    • Photo: Emmanuel Amabebe

      Emmanuel Amabebe answered on 27 Jun 2013:

      Yes, dogs can be cloned. Just like dolly the sheep that was cloned in 1995 or so,most animals can be cloned but it is unethical ,that is against the law to clone humans. The technology used is called genetic engineering and it involves taking the nucleus from the cell of an animal to be cloned and inserting it into the egg of another animal. Before this step, the nucleus in the egg is removed so that you don’t have the genes of the animal donating the egg. When the nucleus from the animal to be cloned fuses with the egg, an embryo is formed which is then implanted in to the womb of a surrogate mother animal which carries the fetus until it is delivered. Then you have the exact copy of the animal from whose cell the nucleus was extracted.
