• Question: How does asexual reproduction work?

    Asked by skywombat2000 to Alberto, Chris, Emmanuel on 28 Jun 2013.
    • Photo: Emmanuel Amabebe

      Emmanuel Amabebe answered on 28 Jun 2013:

      Unlike sexual reproduction, asexual reproduction is a form of reproduction involving a single parent. The offsprings emerge from one parent only and inherit the genes of that single parent. It does not require mating or fertilization. This form of reproduction is common in bacteria, fungi and plants. for example the bacteria reproduce by binary fission where the bacteria divides into 2 offsprings that are genetically thesame as the single parent. other forms of asexual reproduction include fragmentation, budding etc. Some organisms are also known to form spores as a method of reproduction. it is important to note that gametes are not required for asexual reproduction as it involves just one parent.

    • Photo: Alberto Lapedriza

      Alberto Lapedriza answered on 28 Jun 2013:

      In sexual reproduction, a parent provides half of the genetic information and the other parent provides the other half. For example, in humans the mother provides 23 chromosomes in the egg cell, and the father provides the other 23 chromosomes in the sperm, which fertilises the egg, and creates an embryo with 46 chromosomes, that is what is necessary for its development.

      In asexual reproduction, one single progenitor can create a descendant, without the need of another progenitor. In this form of reproduction, the descendant will be a clone of the parent, as there is not mixing of the genetic information.

    • Photo: Chris Whittle

      Chris Whittle answered on 28 Jun 2013:

      Asexual reproduction is where a species can produce clones of itself – meaning that all of its children have exactly the same DNA. This is different to sexual reproduction as you get the DNA from two parents mixed up in their children, so all their children have their own unique DNA.

      It’s really rare for animals to do this (but some do, particularly some lizards), but plants and micro-organisms (like bacteria and fungi) can do this, and very frequently.
