• Question: what was your childhood like in school

    Asked by harrycrampton to Michelle, Jennie, Emmanuel, Chris, Alberto on 21 Jun 2013.
    • Photo: Michelle Taylor

      Michelle Taylor answered on 21 Jun 2013:

      I remember we used to have lots of PE lessons in the rain and some really fun lessons with clay and textiles. Language lessons. What we most definitely did not have were many computers, some of our maths lessons were done on a computer but they were rare. Everything else was done on paper with pen and pencil

    • Photo: Emmanuel Amabebe

      Emmanuel Amabebe answered on 22 Jun 2013:

      My childhood school days was fun. I was the schools band and parade commander. I loved matching and playing drums. It was really fun. I was also a class prefect.

    • Photo: Chris Whittle

      Chris Whittle answered on 23 Jun 2013:

      I did okay in school, and I enjoyed most of it, though towards the end of my last year I was itching to leave and do my own thing. I worked quite hard in lessons but I also mucked around a bit and had a lot of fun with classmates and even some teachers!
