• Question: What is the most fun you have had doing a Experiment?

    Asked by hemso001 to Alberto, Chris, Emmanuel, Jennie, Michelle on 19 Jun 2013.
    • Photo: Chris Whittle

      Chris Whittle answered on 19 Jun 2013:

      I think the best bit about experiments is when they work as they often don’t, and then seeing the results and what they are telling you. I think it quite exciting to get new data, as you can find out what your experiment has actually told you.

    • Photo: Michelle Taylor

      Michelle Taylor answered on 20 Jun 2013:

      I’ve helped lots of friends with their research over the years, and one of my favorite times was helping a friend to catch wallabies on an island off the coast of western Australia – we caught them in traps that looked a lot like a laundry basket with muesli in it! It doesn’t hurt them as it is made of soft material and is just a box for them to sit in. One time we caught a mother wallaby with a baby in her pouch which was very special.

    • Photo: Emmanuel Amabebe

      Emmanuel Amabebe answered on 20 Jun 2013:

      extracting the genes (DNA) from an organism

    • Photo: Alberto Lapedriza

      Alberto Lapedriza answered on 25 Jun 2013:

      The best part is when I’m working with the zebrafish in the aquarium. They swim really fast and it’s difficult to catch them with the net, and sometimes, they suddenly jump in the tank and I have to be very careful to avoid them falling out of the water.
